[Q] - Mace of Spades : Activate this and your next hit will echo to next 3 nearby enemies. Single target? This will hurt like a son of a bitch.
[W] - Creeping Dead : Metal shards will surround your target friendly unit or yourself and gain additional armor and magic resistance. Wait! There's more! It also damages motherfuckers close to you during it's duration! Talk about bad-ass.
[E] - Siphon of Destruction : An offensive skill that deals damage in a cone in front of you. Nuff said.
[R] - Children of the Grave : Morde's Ultimate Skill. Cast this on a sorry motherfucker and see him suffer like a bitch! This deals damage overtime and that damage is life steal. When the target dies with this still on it, that champ's soul will be there to follow you for 30 seconds.
Iron Man : Every ability that hits an enemy, you get armor that will absorb damage until it runs out.
Pref. Items:
Hextech Gunblade
Rylai's Crystal Scepter
Abyssal Scepter
Sunfire Cape
Guardian Angel
You could also do Force of Nature and/or Thornmail if you want to play semi-tank.
Mother of metal!
[Q] - Bandage Toss : Amumu faps into his bandage and toss it to an enemy. If successful hit, it will stick that fap juice and he will pull himself to the target's location. Oh, it also stuns and deals damage.
[W] - Despair : Amumu cries and somehow, it damages enemies that stick to him! SO HARDCORE!
[E] - Tantrum : Amumu goes ape-shit and damages every little enemy motherfucker beside him. Every time some fucker hits him, Tantrum's cool down is reduced.
[R] - Curse of the Sad Mummy : Amumu's Ultimate Skill. An AoE Skill with a big diameter. This renders enemies to take initial damage and makes them not move for a short period of time. A good setter skill.
Cursed Touch : Every time Amumu attacks a target, that target will have it's Magic Resistance reduced.
Pref. Items:
Ninja Tabi
Warmog's Armor
Force of Nature
Sunfire Cape
Guardian Angel
Banshee's Veil
What I do here is that I create the boots first. It's not necessarily Ninja Tabi; it can also be:
Swiftness (spd)
Mobility (If you don't have Teleport as a Summoner Spell)
Mercury Threads (For magic resist and increased Tenacity: Anti CC (Crowd Control) Spells)
Then the rest follows in order.
It depends on the opposing team's line-up if you need to change Thornmail with Banshee's Veil.
During late game, if we have the upper-hand, I exchange my boots with Banshee's Veil and keeping my other items. I'm going all-out tank on this one.
Let me give you a hug.
[Q] - Bouncing Blade : She throws a dagger that seems to bounce from enemy to enemy. Damage depends on your AP (Ability Power).
[W] - Killer Instincts : This ability has a passive and an active effect. The passive one is that this skill makes Kat's attacks more deadly (Inc. Dmg.). The active part is that it buff's Kat's abilities.
[E] - Shunpo : This ability is like Flash; but it needs a target. May it be friendly or foe. If you target a team mate, you instantly move to the target's location. If enemy, it does the same but it deals damage.
[R] - Death Lotus : Katarina's Ultimate Skill. Kat goes focused as fuck and throws daggers to 3 nearby enemy champions. Also, damage depends on AP.
Voracity : Every kill or assist, Kat gains 25 bonus gold and her abilities' cool downs are reduced to 15 seconds.
Pref. Items:
Ionian Boots of Lucidity
Sorcerer's Shoes
Hextech Gunblade
Rylai's Crystal Scepter
Rabadon's Deathcap
Void Staff
Zhonya's Hourglass
Sometimes I do two (2) Rabadon's. But that just too darn suicide.
Sexy killer
[Q] - Dark Binding : A sphere of dark magic that Morgana unleashes in a straight path. If an enemy target get's hit, the target is bound to the ground and renders it unable to move for a max of 3 seconds. It also deals magic damage plus 90% of your AP
[W] - Tormented Soil : Curses an area of the ground. Whenever an enemy steps on that area, it will deal magic damage to that motherfucker.
[E] - Black Shield : This protects a friendly unit from spell damage and disables. Last 5 seconds or until it has absorbed too much magic damage.
[R] - Soul Shackles : Morgana's Ultimate Skill. Damages nearby enemy champions with initial magic damage plus 70% of your AP. If you stay within a 600 range with them while the skill is still in effect for 3 seconds, they will receive the damage again and, this time, stunning them for 1.5 seconds.
Soul Siphon: Just spell vamp. If you don't know what this means (and neither do I), I think it means every time you cast a spell, you gain a certain percentage of HP back to you.
Soul Siphon: Just spell vamp. If you don't know what this means (and neither do I), I think it means every time you cast a spell, you gain a certain percentage of HP back to you.
Pref. Items:
Sorcerer's Shoes
Rod of Ages
Zhonya's Hourglass
Rabadon's Deathcap
Void Staff
Banshee's Veil
Sometimes, I forget Banshee's and go for another Rabadon's Deathcap. Do that if ONLY your team has the upper-hand. Banshee's Veil could really save your life together with your Black Shield ability.
Gothic princess
And we are at my Number 1 Champion. I consider this as my favorite champ now because this one's very easy to use if your teammates are good.
[Q] - Ambush : After 1.25 seconds (And make sure your'e not being hit), you will be stealth-ed. If you attack an enemy while in stealth, you gain bonus attack speed depending on how long you were in stealth.
[W] - Debilitating Poison : Slows nearby enemy champions by 30% and a bonus 6% for every stack of your passive hit.
[E] - Expunge : Deals damage plus all your AP to a target that's poisoned by your passive PLUS damage for every stack of your passive's hit.
[R] - Spray and Pray : Twitch becomes ape-shit and fires long-ranged shots of fucking damaging motherfuckers. This also goes through every enemies hit and hitting other enemies behind them. Those hits poisons your enemies with your passive. Expunge all the way!
Deadly Venom : This aides your normal attacks and your abilities. Every time you attack, you 'cause the target to be poisoned and let it deal true damage overtime. And every stack of this passive that hits a target, your [W] and [E] becomes more powerful in effect.
Pref. Items:
Boots of Mobility [For fast scouting; You could also do Berserker's Greaves]
Infinity Edge
Phantom Dancer
The Black Cleaver
The Bloodthirster
Banshee's Veil
What I do here at the first minutes of the game, I buy a Doran's Blade and go top or bottom [I'm not good in mid or solo]. After my [Q] is high enough and I have my Boots, we gank either our lane or I go stealth to mid. If ganks are successful, you should be able to buy your first item: IE [Infinity Edge]. Then go scout around the map with your [Q] maxed. Mid-game, during clashes, I'm the last one that goes out from [Q] so I could clean what my teammates have started. During this time, you should have your PD [Phantom Dancer] and your'e on your way to your Black Cleaver. During Late-Game, you should have your Bloodthirster by this time and finishing the game. I mostly don't go finishing up to Banshee's. And a lot of times, I dis Banshee's and buy me another PD or Black Cleaver. But Banshee's quite helpful.
For me, to play a successful Twitch is: BE A MOTHERFUCKING POLICE. Scout as much as possible. Whenever you have an opportunity to kill, KILL. That's how you get your core items ASAP. And don't go into a full set of enemies alone, better have someone be there to back you up.
Happy Twitching. <3
Happy Twitching. <3
These are my Top 5 Champions in League of Legends. Most of these guys are not successful to me a lot of times and this causes the team to forfeit or lose. But with good teammates and a stroke of luck, we gain upper-hand and sometimes dominating the enemy, BIG TIME. Especially with my Twitch. What I'm trying to say is that a good game of LoL is not made by yourself, it's with your teammates and how you get along. Just do your role properly that suits most of your team's needs to win the game!
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